Journey of the Soul: Exploring the Three Bodies and Reincarnation

Reincarnation, the belief in the soul's rebirth into new bodies, aligns with these three bodies.

Body 1: The Physical (Gross) Body:

The physical body provides a vessel for experiencing new lessons and challenges.

The tangible and visible aspect of our being. Interacts with the material world through the five senses.

Composed of physical organs, tissues, and physiological systems.

Body 2: The Astral (Subtle) Body

The astral body carries the soul's accumulated wisdom and experiences, guiding choices.

Ethereal and energetic aspects beyond the physical.Acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual dimensions.

Associated with emotions, thoughts, and experiences beyond the material world.

Body 3: The Causal (Karmic) Body

The causal body houses karmic imprints, shaping circumstances in subsequent lives.

Deepest and most abstract level of existence.The Interplay with Reincarnation.

Holds imprints of past actions, intentions, and experiences.

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