Muladhara Chakra - Ruby
Located at the base, it's the Root chakra. Cosmic color: Red. Fear affects it. Gem: Natural Ruby, the gem of strength.
Swadhisthana Chakra - Natural Pearl
Situated at the sacrum. Cosmic color: Orange. Guilt affects it. Gem: Natural Pearl, the gem of emotions.
Manipura Chakra - Organic Red Coral
Found at the navel area. Cosmic color: Yellow. Shame affects it. Gem: Organic Red Coral, the gem of energy.
Anahata Chakra - Natural Emerald
Located at the heart. Cosmic color: Green. Sorrow disturbs it. Gem: Natural Emerald, the gem of communication.
Vishuddha Chakra - Natural Yellow Sapphire
Centered at the throat. Cosmic color: Blue. Lies interrupt it. Gem: Natural Yellow Sapphire, the gem of truth.
Ajna Chakra (Third Eye) - Natural Diamond/White Sapphire
Linked to the third eye. Cosmic color: Indigo. Illusion affects it. Gem: Natural Diamond/White Sapphire, the gem of beauty.
Sahasrara Chakra - Natural Blue Sapphire
Associated with the crown. Cosmic color: Violet. Attachment blocks it. Gem: Natural Blue Sapphire, the gem of karmic balance.